Artiesten tweeten over Osama bin Laden
TweetTweet! Vanuit verschillende hoeken wordt er massaal getwitterd over de dood van bin Laden. Knack Focus zette de opmerkelijkste tweets van bekende artiesten op een rij…
Mark Ronson
Don’t think Obama has to worry about getting re-elected anymore. between saturday nites standup & knocking out the top shelf of al qaeda
Katy Perry
I believe in justice… but don’t u think that an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind?
Lily Allen
I know that Osama Bin Laden is dead, but if we could all stop for a minute to consider todays REAL news I’d very much appreciate it. (het kind wordt vandaag 26 jaar)
Lady Gaga
Just landed. Watching CNN, what a historical moment in the fight against hatred.
P. Diddy
God Bless us all!!!!
John Legend
Did we intentionally save this announcement until William and Kate were married out of respect? #coalitionofthewilling
LL Cool J
Check mate
Jared Followill (King’s of Leon)
The guy who shot Osama is about to get SO laid
Coulda been somebody’s son!!!!!
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